Pathways, Kinetics, Mechanisms

The Tratnyek/Johnson Research Group's scope includes a wide range of oxidation-reduction reactions that occur in the environment, and the contribution of these reactions to the fate of pollutants. In most of our work, the focus is on pathways, kinetics, mechanisms, and other fundamental, molecular aspects of environmental chemistry. The goal is to understand these redox processes at a process level, and to use this knowledge to develop deterministic models of environmental systems and remediation technologies.

Cover slide from several recent talks. A version of of this talk is available on you YouTube channel (See Resources / Current Resources). The background is a view of Mount Hood, looking east from the OHSU main campus on Marquam Hill. It is not quite the view from our lab, but close.

Members of the Tratnyek Research Group ca. 2019. Left to right: Paul, Kei, Tifany, Chuanyu, Chris, Miranda. For more on OHSU's Institute of Environmental Health, see Biography / Short Bio.

Pitting of an iron surface due to carbonate stimulated corrosion in water. It was taken with an environmental scanning electron microscope by Abinash Agrawal (and used here with his permission). We have never published this image, but it is related to work we described in Agrawal et al. 2002. For details, see Publications, Journal Article #XX.

Multiscale continuum showing system scales encompassing the whole potential scope of predictive-diagnostic modelling for in silico environmental chemical sciences. Figure 3 from Tratnyek et al. 2017. For details, see Publications, Journal Article #XX.

Dendritic etching of an iron surface due to carbonate stimulated corrosion in water. Image taken with an environmental scanning electron microscope by Abinash Agrawal (and used here with his permission). We never published this image, but it is related to work described in Agrawal et al. 2002. For details, see Publications, Journal Article #XX.

Very early group photo (ca. 1998) taken outside the Cooley Science Center at the Oregon Graduate Institute, in Beaverton. Left to right: Michelle, Barb, Clint, Leah, Paul, and Tim

Group photo at our annual holiday party, December 2019. Front row: Ania, Ying, Tifany, Chuanyu; Back row: Graham, Paul, Miranda, Chris, Kei, and Rick.


09.15.2024 — The 3rd annual session on Aquatic Redox Chemistry will be at the Spring 2025 ACS National Meeting in San Diego. Abstracts are due 9/30/24. Details here.

09.01.2024 — Prof. Tratnyek will become an Associate Editor for Environmental Science & Technology starting 10/24. Official announcement coming soon.

01.15.2024 — Need a break from science? Check out my daughter's first album on Soundcloud, Bandcamp, Spotify, Apple Music, more.


09.10.2023 — Recent talks available online: SERDP Webinar on ANA and Invited talk on PChPs of PFAS for REMTEC-Europe.

09.09.2023 — Our first two papers on PFAS are out, one in ET&C and the other in PCCP.

01.20.2023 — Just posted on LinkedIn the Group Photos and the Sunnyvale Site Video from the 25+ Years of ZVI session at the Chlorcon meeting last May.


More news coming soon...

Paul G. Tratnyek, Professor (he/him/his)

OHSU-PSU School of Public Health (SPH)
Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU)
Portland, Oregon USA


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Office Phone: 503.346.3431 (not recommended)
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Official Faculty Pages: OHSU and SPH
(This) Research Group Website:

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Google Search | Google Scholar | Semantic Scholar | ResearchGate | LinkedIn | YouTube | ORCID-ID (0000-0001-8818-6417)